Thursday, July 22, 2010

To Bee.. OR not To Bee... That is The ?...


Because a Girl can NEVER say NO too...

FisHnets... But...

I think I will stick WITH RUNNING!!! Maybe ;)
You NEVER know where I Go...
and what I am Packing IN My trunk!!
so PUT YOUR skates ON and BE YOUR own HERO!!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

*!!~HeRe We ArE!!~* Hair~ Accesories ARE Us!!~*

Feather clip $7.00
Clips $3.00
Flowerclip bands $5.00

SoRrY iT's TaKeN SO LoNg!! As A MommY of Three I have A Crazy busy Life!!
I have Taken Time Out for ME to Get back Into Shape~ So When I do have spare time I am Found out side Running!! but HEre ARe A FEW of MY FAVORITE CREATIONS!!
I can Make just about anything (hair wise!) ASK and you may receive~!! I love what I do! and I am Glad to be able to Share it with All of YOU!!~
Now that I think I have this whole BLOG thing FIGURED OUT!! I will hopefully be POSTING more!! Yay ME!!! my talented friend took my pics once again! she is amazing! check her out!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Here is a picture of cute Sophia that we took when she was 1 years old. Isn't she darling!! My friend Elisha took them. Thank you!